Oct 2012 to 04th Nov 2012
Start of yet another memorable trip to the
nature with BASC. Being a Tamilian cum North Indian first time I crossed the
border of Tamil Nadu, happiest me.J J J
Difficult to forget the night I was starting for
this trip. Heavy rain in Bangalore, which took almost 2 hours to reach pick-up
point, actual time would take 15-20 minutes from my place. Time when Tamil Nadu
was hit by Nilam, though the place was more than 7 hours away from Kodai, but
close ones still cares. Messages and calls flowing into the mobile with strict
instructions like, “take care, be safe,
message every day, call every day, don’t go much closer to water, can’t you
cancel this trip, be with group, if problem increases be at hotel, etc.” Flow of water was reminding me of Kudremukha
trek. I was pushing myself against the direction of wind and moving. And finally
reached, after boarding ourselves and cycles we moved around 12 AM (supposed
to start at 9:30 PM) credit goes to rain.

After breakfast it was time to start the
challenging ride. From Palani to Kodaikannal 57km which was uphill, uphill and
uphill. J An interesting ride into the greenery through
the clouds was an extravaganza. People rightly termed it as honeymooner’s place.
After group pic everyone started their ride. I was lone non cyclist, left behind with the
vehicles and 2 drivers in midst of beauty. But I am not
a girl to sit quite at one place. Informed driver anna, took camera and
started walking. In my 2 kms of walk I saw Lady cutting wood, kids collecting
coconuts, old lady fetching water, a man working on his hut, family sitting in
front of house speaking, dogs gazing at me, Elephant crossing the road going
inside the forest, 2 men sitting road side listening to radio. This was the walk
worth walking. I was the center of attraction for them for me entire thing. I returned
back to the vehicle and we started towards Kodaikannal. Good thing driver Anna knew
Tamil so I didn't have any problem in communicating. If you see from down it
looks clouds covering entire mountains and when we were going up it was literally
riding through the clouds. Chillness was increasing as we were going up. I
asked driver anna to stop at tea point. We stopped, had tea and waited for
others to pass. Actually I was getting tea shop business done by standing
there. Whoever comes I will take them to the same shop and with everyone I too
will have tea. Like this I had 7 cups of tea. J J
After that we started again and at last
reached Kodaikannal city. Now the next target was to find place to crash. Before
everyone reaches the city we should be able to finalize some place. Driver Anna
knew one person who was in charge of one homestay. He took us to that place and
after long time of bargaining he agreed. I must say the homestay was too good
with all amenities and the caretaker was one old grandpa. Meanwhile Vinay and
Dattu reached city at the church road and
wanted to reach the place sooner as they were shivering from cold. That time still the negotiation was going on.
I decided to take jacket and pick them up. Ambi gave me his torch and then I started walking
towards the church. Road was dark and calm, sound and light comes only
when any vehicle pass by that route. On that road I was just running and
running. Finally reached and on the way back to homestay felt yes it is very dark
and I ran alone on this road. Luckily didn't come across any animal or Bison’s otherwise
my running speed would be faster than cycling J J after this everyone else reached and we all
finished our dinner and went to bed.

Day two: Thanks to Ambreesh, where I got chance to
ride and experience the beauty of nature. Track full of greenery, fog, tile
track along with concrete track, uphill, downhill, curves and jovial group to
ride with. Ride started from the home stay to first visit Coaker’s Walk. It was
mesmerizing and fully covered with fog. As soon as we entered inside a guy was
shouting, “Fall view, village view,
school view only 3 rupees telescope view” so Myself, Sarvesh and Viswa went
to see that. But couldn’t see clearly because of the fog which covered
everything, I could only see the village but nothing else. Viswa’s question
there “We can’t see anything, will he
give our money back or next round when we come back?” J By the time we finished our sightseeing it
was time to have lunch. We went down the hill for lunch. After lunch it was time to get into the greenery and cool air towards other
attractions. Next we visited to Pillars rocks. The Pillar rocks are three granite
boulders which are seen standing vertically shoulder to shoulder. It was
difficult to get the exact view of all the three because it was very misty and
rocks were fully covered by it. For seconds it will get clear and then again it
will get lost in the mist. We saw the beauty of pillar rocks while coming back
after finishing our day’s ride. It was beautiful. Vertical pillars standing
together and adding beauty to the rest of the mountain ranges. One must see
with their eyes to experience such beauty.

Next we went ahead to Guna Cave. Guna
Cave is formed between the two Pillar Rocks in Kodaikanal.
After purchasing tickets, we started walking inside; it was more like mini
forest. Calm place with little darkness and little sunshine falling on us and
color of trees as light orange were the first things I noticed as I entered.
After a walk of 5 minutes we reached the outer view of the cave where grills
were placed and visitors are not allowed to go beyond that. We tried to go
little more up to see the suicide point but we were not allowed by the forest
official, may be because more suicides are happening nowadays. J So we came back and waited for our entire group
to reach. Later when our entire group came the forest official came to us
and started talking. He was a friendly guy and from Karnataka too so got
mingled with us. Which was one plus and he asked us whether we would like to
see the Cave from inside, on one condition that no girls should come inside. I
asked about me, that time I got the funniest reply “You are not looking like girl only you can come.” J We jumped over the fence and he took us all
inside to have a closer view of the cave. We all stopped at the last point.
From that point we can see way to go ahead between the rocks but it was
dangerous. That place was cool and water was dropping, which may be mist hitting
the rocks. After that we started back and security guard told us not to tell
the gate guard that they allowed us inside as we crossed the time limit also
some other rules and regulations too. J
After we reached entrance now plan was to go
ahead but security guards said not to go at this time as it was getting dark. We
decided to turn back to the base, crash to the bed and get charged up for next
day. So we all started heading back to our sweet homestay. We were riding first
to be first. It was awesome enjoying downhill, super curves and evening beauty
of the nature. But this enjoyment didn’t last for long and everything was stand
still as I met with an accident on one of the curves. Early in the morning I
came to one route and while going uphill I decided I will take my friends via
that route so that we will reach sooner than others. Coming back saw that
shortcut which Viswa had already passed, so I was looking at him and at the
shortcut also. Got distracted badly, riding downhill with full speed, missed
the curve where I should take turn, lost my balance completely. Immediately can’t
apply brakes too as it is also dangerous. For fraction of seconds got balance
then again lost it and fell down from the cycle. Sarvesh was the person who saw
live action he was riding behind me. Till the time I was losing my balance I
remember I am about to fall but what happened after that I don’t remember I was
un-conscious. After that I remember somebody is shouting, “Ajju, Putta, open your eyes, nothing happened you are alright, I am
here.” When opened my eyes saw that was Sarvesh, he was holding me in his
arms, Viswa took my shoes off and he was rubbing my legs, somebody spraying
water over my face and lots of crowd. I was motionless not able to move any
part of my body. When they started to take me into the vehicle to hospital that
time, the places where ever they were holding it was badly hurt and paining. My
shoulder was motionless. Somehow with the help of six people I was carried into
the vehicle and taken to the hospital. In the hospital, only I knew the
language Sarvya and Viswa were not able to explain clearly to the nurses. Three
Nurses were attending me and good thing after sometime I was back to normal and
could speak and explained them the incident and pain. After that burning
sensation of cleaning the wounds Mr. Krishna Kumar, Dr. at KHMS came to see and
advised for arm and shoulder X-Ray. Others too came to see me as they got the
news that I am at hospital. While going for X-ray Dattu’s comment “Welcome to the Group, now you are also an
expert cyclist.” J Yeah it was funny and made me smile again.
After X-ray, results revealed, luckily result was negative. No fracture, but
advised to wear arm sling for 2 days. After that came back to homestay where
other people were eagerly waiting to see and know how I am now. As usual I said
“Bindaas, I am too good.” That day I was very weak and not able to
balance my weight. Thanks to Sarvesh and Viswa who were there with me through
out and Vinay, Dattu for helping me with whatever I need. Rest everyone for
their motivation J
Day three: No cycling for me. I was able to walk next
day was big thing for me. I was in the vehicle, having only window view. Even
Sarvesh didn’t ride, he was in the vehicle for that day. Ambeeresh Hercules was
also retired hurt so he was riding Sarvesh’s trek. And I still feel I missed the best ride day
of the trip. Route covering greenery, plantation, villages, and waterfall towards
Berijam Lake. Got down from the vehicle and opted for a walk of 2 kms. Walking
noticed such big trees, different bird’s sounds, village view from the top,
freshness of that place was so refreshing. Just felt to be there only and keep
feeling that freshness. Meanwhile our vehicle came and we started moving ahead.
After having lunch in route we moved ahead towards lake. At the entrance of the
forest our vehicle stopped as gate was closed only cycles could go ahead and
everyone went inside the forest. We stayed at the entrance as decided but who
stays idle in that kind of environment. J Myself, Sarvesh and driver Anna started
walking inside the forest. After 20 minutes everyone returned back because we didn’t
have permission to go via forest. Forest officer came and advised us not to
venture inside as it is extremely dangerous to go via cycle. Except lion rest
all animals are here. So now again time was to go back to homestay, eat and

Though I missed disturbing many people, missed
beautiful ride and fun of next two days I still had fun with the group on
silent mode. Will make sure I do remaining things in my future trips if I am
not getting retired hurt. Well Kodaikanal made me now a certified cyclist. J J
Cheers!!! J J J
Cheers!!! J J J